imagine a solution that converts organic residues into energy and fertilizer in a closed loop.
and at the same time removes CO2 from the atmosphere

sustainable energy

autarkize in 1st place on the Allgäu start-up stage

if you...

symbol for circular economy
... have large quantities of organic residues...
symbol for sustainable electricity
... want climate-neutral energy in the form of gas, heat or electricity ...
symbol for fertilizers
... want to build up humus with biochar and make your soils more climate-silient...
symbol for CO2 extraction
... actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere ...

... then together we are the new dream team !

our conviction

If we want to do something about climate change and its consequences, we need many different ways. Only when all these solutions scale anything will change.

just by upgrading poorly used biomass, 620.000 potential autarkize plants around the world can ...

... supply 250 million households with climate-neutral energy

*at the level of German households

... remove 1.5 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere

... make 250 million hectares of land free of agrochemicals

let's autarkize together